On January 3, 2025, a resident of Barangay Sto. Cristo adopted a rescued dog from the Angeles City Dog Pound and Animal Shelter, marking another success in the city’s ongoing campaign to encourage responsible pet ownership. The dog, which had been rescued earlier, was spayed at the shelter prior to being adopted into a new home.
Mayor Carmelo “Pogi” Lazatin Jr. continues to advocate for pet adoption, urging Angeleños to consider adopting rescued animals from the City Veterinary Office. The mayor has emphasized the importance of giving abandoned animals a second chance at life, while promoting the message of “Adopt, Don’t Shop” as a more ethical alternative to buying pets from breeders or pet shops.
The dog that was adopted had undergone necessary medical procedures, including spaying, to ensure it was healthy and ready for a new home. This procedure, along with other veterinary services provided by the shelter, is part of the city’s broader initiative to manage the pet population humanely and responsibly.
In addition to promoting adoption, the city government has been offering a variety of free services aimed at encouraging responsible pet ownership. These services include spaying and neutering, as well as providing anti-rabies vaccinations to pets. Such initiatives aim to control the stray animal population, prevent the spread of diseases like rabies, and ensure the health and well-being of pets in the community.
Mayor Lazatin has also urged residents to take advantage of these free programs to ensure their pets receive proper care. By offering these services, the city seeks to make pet ownership more accessible and affordable for all residents, especially those who may be concerned about the cost of veterinary care.
The city’s commitment to animal welfare and responsible pet ownership has been well-received by the community. Many residents have expressed their support for these initiatives, noting the positive impact they have on both the local animal population and the community as a whole. Adopting pets from shelters not only saves lives but also helps reduce the number of stray animals on the streets.
Through these efforts, Mayor Lazatin and the Angeles City government hope to foster a more compassionate community where both animals and people thrive together. The adoption of rescued animals from the City Dog Pound and Animal Shelter is just one of the many ways in which the city is improving the lives of its residents and the animals they care for.
Source: Angeles City Information Office